
V Semana de Física dos Materiais

Outubro 18, 2016

Na próxima semana, de 25 a 27 de outubro, acontecerá a V Semana de Física dos Materiais do programa de pós-graduação FIMAT. O principal objetivo da V SEFIMAT éreunir docentes, alunos de graduação e de pós-graduação em um único ambiente acadêmico visando a divulgação e o interesse em Física de Materiais. A semana contará com defesas de qualificação dos alunos do programa e uma palestra convidada do professor Mário Sérgio de Carvalho Mazzoni, do departamento de física da UFMG, com o título: “Abordagem teórica no estudo de nanoestruturas e o...

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Junho 15, 2016

"THE KAVLI PRIZE IN NANOSCIENCE  is shared between Gerd Binnig, Former Member of IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Switzerland, Christoph Gerber, University of Basel, Switzerland, and Calvin Quate, Stanford University, USA. They receive the prize “for the invention and realization of atomic force microscopy, a breakthrough in measurement technology and nanosculpting that continues to have a transformative impact on nanoscience and technology”.

Walter Kohn, a developer of density functional theory has passed away.

Walter Kohn, a developer of density functional theory has passed away.

Abril 21, 2016

Walter Kohn, a developer of density functional theory has passed away.

“Physics isn’t what I do; it is what I am.”

"Dear Members of our Campus Community,
I am deeply saddened to share with you the news that our respected colleague and friend
Professor Walter Kohn passed away late last night. His wife, Mara, and other loved ones
were at his side in his final days and at the time of his passing. My wife, Dilling, and I
were able to visit with Mara at her home this morning and extend our deepest
condolences in person.
Walter first joined our faculty in 1979,...

Leia mais sobre Walter Kohn, a developer of density functional theory has passed away.