Prof. Alan Barros Oliveira
Adjunct Professor at Federal University of Ouro Preto / Departament of Physics
Bolsista de Produtividade em Pesquisa do CNPq - Nível 2 - CA FA - Física e Astronomia
Bolsista de Produtividade em Pesquisa do CNPq - Nível 2 - CA FA - Física e Astronomia

Possui graduação em Física/Bacharelado pela Universidade Federal da Bahia (2001), mestrado em Física pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (2004) e doutorado em Física pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (2008). Tem experiência na área de Física, com ênfase em Equação de Estado, Equilíbrio de Fases e Transições de Fase, atuando principalmente no seguinte tema: water anomalies, phase transition, criticality.

DE VASCONCELOS, CLÁUDIA K.B. ; BATISTA, RONALDO J.C. ; DA ROCHA RÉGIS, MCGLENNON ; MANHABOSCO, TAÍSE M. ; de Oliveira, Alan B. . A simple model for solute-solvent separation through nanopores based on core-softened potentials. Physica. A (Print)
, v. 453, p. 184, 2016.

LIMA, AMAURI LIBÉRIO DE ; MÜSSNICH, LUCAS A M ; Manhabosco, Taíse M ; CHACHAM, HÉLIO ; Batista, Ronaldo J C ; OLIVEIRA, ALAN BARROS DE . Soliton instability and fold formation in laterally compressed graphene. Nanotechnology (Bristol. Print)
, v. 26, p. 045707, 2015.

Oliveira, Camilla K. ; GOMES, EGLEIDSON F. A. ; PRADO, MARIANA C. ; ALENCAR, THONIMAR V. ; NASCIMENTO, REGIANE ; MALARD, LEANDRO M. ; BATISTA, RONALDO J. C. ; de Oliveira, Alan B. ; CHACHAM, HELIO ; DE PAULA, ANA M. ; Neves, Bernardo R. A. . Crystal-oriented wrinkles with origami-type junctions in few-layer hexagonal boron nitride. Nano Research (Print)
, v. 8, p. 1680, 2015.

BATISTA, RONALDO J. C. ; de Oliveira, Alan Barros ; CARARA, SABRINA S. ; CHACHAM, HÉLIO . Controlling the Electrical Response of Carbon Nanotubes Deposited on Diamond through the Application of Electric Fields. Journal of Physical Chemistry. C
, v. 118, p. 140905073557001, 2014.


Bordin, J. R. ; de Oliveira, A. B. ; Diehl, A. ; Barbosa, Marcia C. . Diffusion enhancement in core-softened fluid confined in nanotubes. The Journal of Chemical Physics
, v. 137, p. 084504, 2012.


Barboza, Ana Paula M. ; CHACHAM, HELIO ; Oliveira, Camilla K. ; Fernandes, Thales F. D. ; Ferreira, Erlon H. Martins ; Archanjo, Braulio S. ; BATISTA, RONALDO J. C. ; de Oliveira, Alan B. ; Neves, Bernardo R. A. . Dynamic Negative Compressibility of Few-Layer Graphene, h-BN, and MoS 2. Nano Letters (Print)
, v. 12, p. 2313-2317, 2012.

Batista, Ronaldo J C ; de Oliveira, Alan B ; Pereira, Natália R ; Paolini, Rafael S ; Manhabosco, Taíse M . Boron nitride nanotubes as templates for half-metal nanowires. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter (Online)
, v. 24, p. 165501, 2012.

de Oliveira, A. B.; Fortini, Andrea ; Buldyrev, Sergey ; Srolovitz, David . Dynamics of the contact between a ruthenium surface with a single nanoasperity and a flat ruthenium surface: Molecular dynamics simulations. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
, v. 83, p. 134101, 2011.


Salcedo, Evy ; de Oliveira, A. B. ; Barraz, Ney M. ; Chakravarty, Charusita ; Barbosa, Marcia C. . Core-softened fluids, water-like anomalies, and the liquid-liquid critical points. The Journal of Chemical Physics
, v. 135, p. 044517, 2011.

de Oliveira, A. B.; Neves, Eduardo B. ; Gavazzoni, Cristina ; Paukowski, Juliana Z. ; Netz, Paulo A. ; Barbosa, Marcia C. . Liquid crystal phase and waterlike anomalies in a core-softened shoulder-dumbbells system. The Journal of Chemical Physics
, v. 132, p. 164505, 2010.

de Oliveira, A. B.; Salcedo, Evy ; Chakravarty, Charusita ; Barbosa, Marcia C. . Entropy, diffusivity and the energy landscape of a waterlike fluid. The Journal of Chemical Physics
, v. 132, p. 234509, 2010.

da Silva, Jonathas Nunes ; Salcedo, Evy ; de Oliveira, A. B. ; Barbosa, Marcia C. . Effects of the attractive interactions in the thermodynamic, dynamic, and structural anomalies of a two length scale potential. The Journal of Chemical Physics
, v. 133, p. 244506, 2010.

Batista, Ronaldo J C ; de Oliveira, Alan B ; Rocco, Daniel L . Iron oxide doped boron nitride nanotubes: structural and magnetic properties. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter (Online)
, v. 22, p. 355302, 2010.


de Oliveira, A. B.; NETZ, P. A. ; BARBOSA, M. C. . An ubiquitous mechanism for water-like anomalies. Europhysics Letters (Print)
, v. 85, p. 36001, 2009.


de Oliveira, A. B.; NETZ, P. A. ; BARBOSA, M. C. . Which mechanism underlies the water-like anomalies in core-softened potentials?. The European Physical Journal. B, Condensed Matter Physics (Print)
, v. 64, p. 481-486, 2008.

de Oliveira, A. B.; BARBOSA, M. C. ; NETZ, P. A. . Interplay between structure and density anomaly for an isotropic core-softened ramp-like potential. Physica. A (Print)
, v. 386, p. 744-747, 2007.


de Oliveira, A. B.; Netz, Paulo A. ; Colla, Thiago ; Barbosa, Marcia C. . Structural anomalies for a three dimensional isotropic core-softened potential. The Journal of Chemical Physics
, v. 125, p. 124503, 2006.

de Oliveira, A. B.; Barbosa, Marcia C. . Density anomaly in a competing interactions lattice gas model. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter (Online)
, v. 17, p. 399-411, 2005.

NETZ, P. A. ; Gonzatti, G. K. ; BARBOSA, M. C. ; Paukowski, Juliana Z. ; Gavazzoni, Cristina ; de Oliveira, A. B. . Phase Diagram and Waterlike Anomalies in Core-Softened Shoulder-Dumbbell Complex Fluids. In: Juan Carlos Moreno-Piraján. (Org.). Thermodynamics - Physical Chemistry of Aqueous Systems. 1ed.Rijeka: InTech, ISBN 978-953-307-979-0, 2011, v. , p. 391-406.
Contact Information
Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP)
ICEB – DEFIS – Sala 78
Campus Morro do Cruzeiro 35400-000 Ouro Preto – MG
ICEB – DEFIS – Sala 78
Campus Morro do Cruzeiro 35400-000 Ouro Preto – MG